We have received thousands of comments over the years from satisfied students of our online training programs. Here are a few examples of the great experiences our students have had:
“Very convenient and detailed.”
“good course”
“I really like the immediate feedback for right and wrong answers. The 'go back and go through the scenario steps until you hit the point where you made an error' in the scenarios is a very effective teaching method.”
“Scenarios are clear and educational”
“The training is very thorough and the scenarios as well as the review questions really are engaging and make you think”
“I have been using ProTrainings for all my certifications for several years now. It is a GREAT online recertification site that is very easy to follow and very educational. The fact that you can go at your own pace and it places you back to the specific area in the modules where weaknesses can be strengthen is extremely helpful! It really prepares you for the exam! Thanks ProTraining for making my certifications enjoyable!! Lisa”
“The content is excellent. The instructor articulates very clearly and covers all of the material necessary for you to succeed in this course. A must recommend!!”
“Thank you”
“very thorough, excellent information!”
“Exceptional means of obtaining BLS, PALS and ACLS when you need them quickly.”
“Great review without the hassle and stress of taking PALS in a classroom all day long.”
“Stress-free pals training for any skill level in easily digestible content. Highly recommend! ”
“Excellent presentation ”
“Concise and to the point. Great for busy professionals.”
“hard but very comprehensive”
“The training is really intensive such that you are forced to learn the process by repetition. Though it may seem frustrating when you are 90% through the test or scenarios but have to start all over for missing one answer, it helps to reinforce the objective of the training. I truly learned this way!”
“Great scenarios with good reminder points for my refresher! Also great to have the availability to work around my schedule with the easy platform. ”
“This is an exceptional program at teaching the thought process of PALS rather than simply memorizing algorithms.”
“Excellent recertification course!”
“Enjoyed the course. It was challenging.”
“very imformative.”
“long but good and I needed the review”
“Easy to navigate, good pre-test training. Able to work at your own pace.”
“Love the ability to take course at my own speed. Presenter is very good, scenarios great practice.”
“Updated learning very informative”
“Easy to use format which provides great information review which is utilized in real-world case scenarios.”
“Convenient and effective iterative learning style good for adult learners”
“When I signed up for this recert it was listed as $97, but then it was closer to $150 at checkout.. I can't give testimonial after that bait and switch :-/”
“Not easy, but we’ll worth it. ”
“Most of us are not cardiologists. Emphasis on cardiology way beyond our education.”
“It meets the needs of busy professionals”
“great course, love the scenarios, very helpful”
“The course is not difficult to follow.”
“This was a great refresher! It really sticks with the need to knows. The scenarios were excellent. I'll definitely renew with y'all again.”
“I don't like that the scenarios included very little about what was actually in the test. Specifically rhythm strips and drug dosing.”
“Extremely through.”
“Valuable training in an easy to understand manner!”
“Very good. My preferred course.”
“Great review done at your own speed and convenience”